How is Private Cloud Different from on-Premises?

In this technological world, a company has to consider various factors to choose from the on premises environment and private cloud. On the other hand, many businesses need help transitioning to the cloud, instead relying on their tried-and-true legacy and on-premise systems and software to conduct business. In this guide, we’ll find out, “How is Private Cloud Different from on-Premises"?


Private Cloud 

A private cloud is a single-tenant environment in which the cloud infrastructure is managed and controlled by a third-party cloud vendor. It’s just like a single business entity consisting of various customers and multiple business units. 

As the name suggests, a private cloud is a single-tenant environment, meaning the cloud infrastructure is provisioned for exclusive use by a single business entity comprising multiple consumers or business units. These are customized exclusive cloud offerings for a single client or the entire infrastructure. 

In a private cloud, third-party vendors manage everything, including maintenance, hardware, security, performance monitoring, and software updates. In simple words, businesses go to third-party cloud service providers in a private cloud. In this case, those cloud service providers are responsible for the servers’ maintenance and equipment privileged to the data centers. 

On Premises Cloud 

In simple words on premises infrastructure is one in which IT infrastructure and all the computing resources of an organization are located within the premises of the company. In this in-house private cloud service, businesses can collocate all their cloud computing equipment on the premises. Moreover, the equipment can be managed by itself or by any third-party vendor. All the machinery, servers, or other related components are supposed to be operated within the company’s boundaries. 

Due to the on premise management of cloud infrastructure, businesses have full control over their data, cloud solutions, and all its associated processes. That is why businesses have more security and full control over their data. Companies have the flexibility of using the resources they need, and they only pay for the resources used. 

Key Difference Between Private Cloud And On Premise

There are some main differences that state “How is Private Cloud Different from on-Premises?” You can choose the right path for your business by identifying your needs and the solution you are looking for. 


On Premises

Private Cloud

Deployment and Configuration 

When we talk about the deployment of an on-premises environment, you should know that there will be resources deployed within the IT infrastructure of an enterprise. However, the IT infrastructure should be strong enough for you to have great software, hardware, data storage, and servers. Moreover, the enterprise itself will be accountable for sustaining the solution and all its associated processes on-premises. You need to hire skilled technicians to deploy and evaluate on-premises IT infrastructure based on specific business needs. Despite deploying adequate resources, organizations frequently need help maintaining on-premises IT infrastructures.

On the other hand, the private cloud enables organizations to install applications and services on a flexible IT infrastructure without investing in particular hardware, software, or servers. Businesses can also select between hosted private cloud and on-premises/internal private cloud. The hosted private cloud is installed and managed by businesses internally by themselves. Although, the solutions of hosted private cloud are offered and overseen by third-party services. 


The businesses which choose to deploy on-premises software are supposed to be responsible for all the ongoing costs related to power consumption, server hardware, and space. 

On the other hand, the businesses that choose to deploy private cloud models are responsible only for the resources they will use. There is no need to check maintenance and other costs in the private cloud. Moreover, the cost depends on the consumption of the resources. 

Control and Management 

In an on-premises environment, the enterprise retains and controls all of the business’s data. They can assess what is happening in it and can control the good or worst situations. One of the main reasons companies hesitate to migrate to the cloud is the privacy concern they are getting in an on-premises environment.

The one thing about which many companies and service providers are struggling while migrating to the cloud is the question of ownership of the data. The business data and encryption keys exist in cloud computing environments in third-party providers. That is why, unfortunately, you will not be able to access your data in downtime or if any unexpected happens. 

Wrap it Up!

So, it’s your choice to decide whether on premise vs private cloud is good for you. Enteriscloud cloud computing experts can help you provide the best private cloud infrastructure services with effective cloud solutions. 
